Changes to the Expedition Section: November 2023

Home / Updates / Changes to the Expedition Section: November 2023 

Just a reminder that at the end of October the COVID variations finish and from 1st November 2023 the new Expedition Requirements come into operation. 

What are the main changes?

  • Variation forms: The variations process has been removed – you are best placed to make expeditions flexible and accessible.
  • Team goal: Expedition aim is now called team goal – providing consistency across all sections and emphasising the collaborative nature of the Expedition section.
  • Returning home to sleep (for some young people): Going home to sleep allows young people to take part who previously would not have been able to access an expedition at all.
  • Expedition requirements: New inclusive and accessible ‘Expedition Requirements’ replace the ‘20 Conditions’.
  • Reasonable gap: You (not DofE) are best placed to decide what is a reasonable gap between practice and qualifying expeditions.
  • Challenging expeditions: Whilst there must be progressive challenge, there is no requirement for all Gold level expeditions to travel to wild country. A challenge could include a different environment or mode of transport.
  • New environments: Urban areas and restricted spaces allow for equally challenging and meaningful expeditions.
  • Expedition Assessors: Assessors can now be known to the group at all levels.
  • Motorised transport: Leaders can use motorised transport to pick up and drop off at start and end points, where required to support safe transit to camping sites and open up new expedition areas. 

These changes are designed to ensure that expeditions are inclusive, progressive, and challenging to people taking part - as is expected in the other sections of the award.

Further information:

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